Programming Projects

It’s common to get the question “Do you know programming?" these days, the following projects I’ve personally coded are a tentative answer.

Backend & Scraping

My scraping jobs for fundamentals (e.g. ENTSOG data, AGSI, ALSI) are coordinated by a celery server with a redis cache backend sitting on a Linux Ubuntu server (VPS, actually).

Some of the data are stored in the redis cache, while those that need to be available for longer periods of time are stored on a postgresql database (through the psycopg2 library).

The jobs are written in python and I make extensive use of libraries like lxml, requests, pandas, datetime, numpy.

Front End

For the frontend I use flask to serve the pages and interact with the database.

Most of the pages are automated analyses, visualizations, or real time computations for trading support (e.g. indicators).



Some of my proprietary visualizations made using d3js (these are static images, but the chart are actually interactive). I also use seaborn and matplotlib for static data analysis images (last example).

storage viz storage2 viz consumption viz mgs


I code Telegram bots for custom alerts and notifications of auctions results and any data where timing is essential.


snam notification

var notification