Curriculum Vitae

Work Experience

  • Head of Gas & Power Trading at Repower Italia SpA, Milan
    Current position since May 2022

Previous Positions
  • Senior Trader Cross-Commodities at Electrade SpA, Milan

    • Lead development and trading of proprietary quantitative cross-commodities strategies
    • Gas and Power Options
    • Spark Spreads
    • Trading of JKM spreads and leading LNG fundamental analysis
    • EUA trading in the context of quantitative short-term strategies
  • Senior Gas Trader at Duferco Energia SpA, Genova

    • Development of European Gas Trading
    • Increase in storage holdings Stogit +300mcm wgv (x10)
    • Increase in Cross-border Capacities from 0 to 70mcm/y (spot, monthly and quarterly auctions)
    • Supporting hedging activities of Supply Portfolio for industrial and retail clients
    • Market Making Activity & Liquidity Provider Gme on PSV
    • Coordination of internal stakeholders for the activation of foreign Gas Hubs, logistics desk setup, and admin setup.
    • IT Infrastructure Development - Lead the implementation of data analysis workflows (migration from Excel)
  • Senior Trader / Co-Head at Enoi SpA, Milan

    • Portfolio management of European assets with a focus on trading Southern European hubs
    • Optimization of import capacities to Italy ~750mcm/year
    • Hedging and optimization of storage capacities in Europe ~1bcm/year
    • Hedging of retail and industrial portfolio in Italy ~1bcm/year
    • Pricing & Hedging structured products, swing, options, virtual storages and storage financing
    • Hedging of LNG send-out
  • Commodities Trading at Lehman Brothers, London

    • Commodities Structured & Exotics Trading
    • Analysis of risk and greeks on a book of exotic derivatives on commodities, with a focus on oil and metals.
  • Summer Intern at Lehman Brothers, London
    Summer 2007

    • Received pre-placed offer from the Exotics Trading Desk as a result of very positive review.
    • Rated “truly distinctive” for Analytical Skills and Teamwork.


  • Master of Science in Finance
    Bocconi University, Milan
    110/110 summa cum laude
    Major: Quantitative Finance
    Gpa: 28.61/30 - July 2008

  • Undergraduate Degree in Law and Business Administration
    Bocconi University, Milan
    110/110 summa cum laude
    Gpa: 29.85/30 - July 2006

  • Exchange Semester at University of Southern California
    Los Angeles
    Gpa: 29.85/30 - Fall 2005

  • Liceo Classico “E. Duni”
    Final Grade: 100/100
    July 2003

Scholarships and Certificates

Sep 2006 Scholarship for graduate students with an outstanding curriculum €30,000
Jun 2016 GMAT 740 (quantitative: 47; verbal: 44) - 97th percentile


Language Level
Italian Mothertongue
English Fluent C2 TOEFL 115/120
French Basic B2

Computer Skills

This is a list of technologies I have studied and am proficient in. Find a detailed list of my programming projects here

Data Analysis Python Pandas/numpy, Microsoft SQL Server, and statistical language R.
Machine Learning Logistic Regression, Neural Networks, Supervised Learning, Octave/Matlab
Basics of Programming Methodology Object Oriented Programming, Methods, Classes
Programming Abstractions Complex Data Structures, Vectors, Stacks, Queues, Recursion

Interests and Activities

  • Photography
  • Travel
  • Technology
  • Fitness